My 18 month old has all of a sudden become a mini Spiderman and she wants to climb everything...especially things she is not supposed to climb. Now I am very grateful to have our Pikler triangle to redirect her climbing into a more appropriate place. When we are...
8 Simple Valentine’s Day Activities for Toddlers
As Valentine’s Day approaches, I thought I would share some super easy, very low or no prep Valentine’s Day activities for toddlers and preschoolers. It might come as a surprise to you, but I honestly don’t really like Valentine’s Day (which Chris is really happy...
Toddler Fine Motor Play with Holiday Spirit
There are so many ways to celebrate the holiday season and believe me I love Christmas. Why not use the fun and excitement to spark interest in sneaky learning activities. I say sneaky because often times toddlers or preschoolers don't even realize they are learning...
How to Successfully Involve Your Toddler in the Kitchen
I’ll be honest with you, I am no cooking-with-toddler expert or any kind of chef. In fact, I was pretty nervous to involve Ruby (currently 16 months old) in the kitchen at all. So, if you want some real advice from a real mom on cooking, baking or involving your...
Easy Christmas Activities to Keep your Toddler Busy
As soon as Halloween was over, we switched gears to Christmas. Thanksgiving was a small Autumn afterthought. Christmas is just so magical, fun, and filled with lots of holiday traditions and engaging play ideas. We have to start early because there are so many great...
10 Process Art Gifts You can Make with your Toddler
Gift-giving is a great way to celebrate traditions as well as show your love and appreciation for those you care about. Love, gratitude, and generosity are amazing values to pass down to your children. So, getting your toddler involved with card or gift-giving is a...
Awesome Autumn Sensory Bin Ideas
If you love all things Autumn and sensory play, but need some fresh new ideas, then you have come to the right place. We do some sort of sensory play daily. There are days I feel more motivated and have planned ahead, but there are also days I haven't planned anything...
Simple Sensory Set up to Support Fine motor Development
Get out your play dough, kinetic sand, oobleck, clay, sand, or other sensory base, it’s time to learn some writing skills!Nope, I did not make a mistake there. We truly can help support writing skills with little ones without using a pencil and paper. Children need...
Quick, Easy, and Spiced Autumn Soup Sensory Play
Woohoo it’s Autumn! I am loving the Fall colors and the Fall temperatures. It is finally cooling off here in Las Vegas, but we are still playing in water and enjoying the outside more. A perfect water play activity for the season is Autumn Soup. Ruby loved when...
Fun and Frugal Fall Activities for Toddlers
The weather is cooling off (in my case from 115° F to less than 100° F) and the Pumpkin spice is back. That can only mean one thing...time for all things Fall.I am a huge fan of Fall. Mostly for the nice weather and beautiful colors. I love pumpkin spice anything...